
Mondays - We talk, banter, and ramble about a multitude of topics

Wednesdays - Ask a Bear Rug! We take spicy questions from our, "Feedback" section on the site and answer them

Fridays - Reserved for movie and television series reviews

All Episodes Publish at 4am CST on their respective days

Special Episodes to premier on Tuesdays  - Depending on how excited we are; there may be additional episodes over major topics

Seasonal recaps - Every Three Months we take a look at our favorite parts of the season

Host - James 

James is a mid-thirties social butterfly with a crippling gaming addiction. He tends to speak in a language all his own, and somehow manages to create silly catchphrases that stick. 

Outside of the podcast, he can be found gaming, or performing consultative communications solutions for various companies. He's also deathly allergic to pineapples. His likeness is depicted on the leftmost Bear Rug. 

Co-Host - Jeremy

Jeremy is a thirty-something red-head that would rather not be bothered by such things as nutritional value or stealth-centric video games. He resides in a vicious cycle of fighting relentless lethargy and arguing his case in a shrill whine that can only be described as 'fucking awful'. 

Outside of the podcast you can find him spending time with his awesome, and encouraging, wife and kids - as well as traveling as much as credit cards will allow. He also has a couple of cats and a dog who are collectively underwhelming - to put things kindly.